Rose Bailey | January 16, 2023 | Updated on: August 8th, 2024
Poker Glossary – Common Poker Terminology
Online Poker has a lot of different terms that players should become familiar with. To make this as quick and easy as possible, we have gathered together all the most important Poker terms into this Online Poker Glossary.

If you want to become a Poker Pro, you’re going to need to become familiar with the most popular terms. So, let’s jump into our Online Poker Glossary and get familiar with the terms you need to know!
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Poker Glossary: A – C
- Ante – The Ante is the initial bet required in certain Poker games to begin the round. In some ways, you can consider the Ante to be similar to the Small Blind.
- Backdoor – Backdoor refers to cards being dealt that a player needs to complete a particular hand. For example, if you require two cards to complete a straight and they are dealt the Turn, River, or Flop, you would refer to this as a Backdoor Straight.
- Bad Beat – This term refers to a player losing their advantage over other players due to one of the cards dealt for the community cards.
- Big Blind – The Big Blind is the larger of two required bets that must be placed before cards are dealt. Typically, the Small Blind is on the left of the dealer, and the Big Blind is on the left of the Small Blind. As the name Blind suggests, you are required to make these bets Blind, without seeing your cards.
- Buy-In – This term is used for the amount of money you need to participate in a Poker Tournament. Typically, this is equal to 20x the cost of the Small Blind.
- Call – The amount of money you need to bet in order to continue playing.
- Check – If you do not wish to increase the betting amount, you can Check
- Check-Raise – When you Check-Raise, you are giving up the chance to increase the bet amount in the current round, by will do so in the following round of betting.
- Community Cards – Community Cards are cards that all players can use to build their final hand. These are typically dealt and laid out in the center of the table.
Poker Terms: D – F
- Dealer – Any person responsible for dealing the cards in a Poker game
- Dealer Button – In certain versions of Poker, when you are playing in real life, the role of the dealer shifts around the table. The Dealer Button is a special chip that indicates who is currently playing the role of dealer.
- Draw – The term Draw is used when you call or raise to see the card you require to complete a hand. If this happens, it is known as a Draw Hand, such as a Draw Flush.
- Flop – The term Flop is used to describe the first three community cards that are dealt together in games like Texas Hold’Em.
- Flush – A hand where all five cards, in no particular order, are from the same suit
- Fold – If you no longer wish to take part in a round and wish to forfeit, you Fold
- Four of a Kind – A hand that has four cards of the same value, such as four 8s
- Full House – A Poker hand made up of a three-of-a-kind, and a pair.

Poker Terms: G – L
- Hand – A Hand in Poker typically refers to your five-card hand that determines if you win or lose. In some variants, a hand may be more cards, or fewer. But generally, it is five cards.
- High Card – If you have no winning Poker Hands, it is referred to as a High Card Hand. In this case, your highest-value card determines your hand’s strength.
- Limp – This is a slang term for calling during a betting round. It can also be used to describe players who are overly cautious.
- Limit – This is a Poker game where the maximum permitted bet moves up in structured increments.
- Live Bet – This is another slang term for calling, and passive players.
Poker Glossary: N – Z
- No Limit – A poker game where there is no limit to how much you can bet in each round. Only those players who have large bankrolls should consider No Limit Games
- Pair – A hand that consists of two identical cards, such as two Kings
- Pot – The area of the table where all bets from the round are contained. If you win the round, you get all the money in the pot
- Pot Odds – The ratio between the size of the pot, and the amount of money you need to bet to keep playing.
- Pot Limit – A type of Poker game where players cannot bet more than the current size of the pot. As the pot increases in size, the maximum permitted bet increases.
- Raise – If you bet more than is required to keep playing, it is a raise. If you only need to bet AU$5, but decide to bet AU$10, this is a raise.
- River – The fifth and final community card dealt in games like Texas Hold’Em
- Royal Flush – The best hand in Poker, containing an Ace, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace. All cards need to be from the same suit.
- Showdown – The final phase of a Poker game, where all players still competing reveal their hands to see who wins
- Small Blind – the player to the immediate left of the dealer, who is required to make a bet before any cards are dealt
- Straight – A Poker hand that has five cards in sequential order from different suits.
- Tell – A Tell is an indication that a player has a good or a bad hand. Tells are often subtle, and players are unaware of their own tells.
- Tournament – An organised Poker competition where players buy in to participate, and only the top 10% of players will get to compete for the grand prize.
- Turn – The fourth community card dealt in Texas Hold’Em. This happens after the Flop, and before the River.